LuLu's Desperate House Dogs (formerly the Bow Wow Blog)

LuLu's Desperate House Dogs is a blog about an eccentric little Beagle named LuLu, who, along with her sister Sadie (a Whippet/Terrier/Beagle blend), writes the lurid Puppies in Lust series, and absorbs local color in an idyllic, off-the-leash, canine-centered village known as Lincoln Park~

Friday, April 14, 2006

Spring is the season of rebirth, as exemplified by these three "brand new" poodle puppies. Happy Easter, Happy Passover, and Happy Ken's Holiday from LDHD~ Posted by Picasa

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Winston, our tiny pug puppy, likes to cast a wide net. "Is that a salmon in the lake? Jeesh! It's as big as I am." Posted by Picasa

At nine months our handsome bulldog, Rocko, still qualifies as a puppy. "But I've got the longest tongue in the park," he insists~ Posted by Picasa

Shar-Pei puppy Mango feels good about coming in third at the 2006 Squirrel Roll~ Posted by Picasa

Eisha, a Rottweiler puppy with heart-melting brown eyes, offers her congratulations to Mango~ Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Pretty puppy Sophia looks half asleep...on a warm and sunny April afternoon~ Posted by Picasa

Lily's psychic aunt, Madame Spirea, predicts strange happenings in April. "Get flea dipped early," she cautions, "and don't forget about your dog..." Posted by Picasa

Monday, April 10, 2006

The Puppy Parade continues! Callie the puggle maintains that she and LuLu are just buddies. "She is not and never has been my mother!" Posted by Picasa

"They named me Pickles because I'm a dilly." Posted by Picasa

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Where it all began: the starting point of the LDHD 2006 Easter Squirrel Roll~ Posted by Picasa

Mork and Mindy attempt to check out Wendy the chipmunk's story~ Posted by Picasa

The Story thus far...

The purebred dogs of Lincoln Park all share a secret: They were once famous human beings, now reincarnated as canines. LuLu, a beautiful young beagle, recalls a life spent as Queen Elizabeth I of England, and her beloved Earl of Leicester may currently be a Cavalier King Charles spaniel named Spencer, who lives down the street with LuLu's best friend, Lily, and sleeps by her side every night. To complicate matters, a pretty pup who claims to have once been Mary Queen of Scots has joined the group, and it has become obvious that she would like a rematch with LuLu.

Meanwhile, the pulchritudinous beagle keeps busy trying to sort out the long list of suitors vying for her paw. These include: Benji the bearded collie, the Labradors Rockie and Buddy, Paco the German shepherd, Tanner the curdog/beagle blend, Nestle the cultured French poodle, Snoop the "downtown" schnauzer, Rocko the bulldog, Harmony the boxer, and Morey the literary mutt.

Lovely LuLu and her four-legged friends find trouble behind every fire hydrant. Last October found them hunting for the Maltese Chew Toy (locate through SEARCH), and in January LuLu wound up imperiled in yet another mystery, The Hound of the Poconos. (See ARCHIVES 6/11/2005.) Now Morey the mutt has signed on as a weekly blog columnist, exposing the underbelly of Lincoln Park after dark, while revealing a few pretty dark secrets of his own. (See ARCHIVES 12/02/2006 for early columns.)

Luscious Lily's eccentric aunt, pyschic Madame Spirea, has also arrived on the scene with her crystal ball, and she prognosticates that a power struggle appears to be brewing in heretofore idyllic Lincoln Park.

Come join the absurdity of LuLu's Desperate House Dogs. We guarantee you'll bark out at least one good laugh. You might even find yourself rolling around in the grass, hoping you'll come back as a dog the next time around.

Tail wags and licks....your blog hostess, LuLu~