LuLu's Desperate House Dogs (formerly the Bow Wow Blog)
LuLu's Desperate House Dogs is a blog about an eccentric little Beagle named LuLu, who, along with her sister Sadie (a Whippet/Terrier/Beagle blend), writes the lurid Puppies in Lust series, and absorbs local color in an idyllic, off-the-leash, canine-centered village known as Lincoln Park~

"Think we'll ever be homeless, Mr. Hound?"/"I worry more about being hareless, Mr. Dewlap." (Photo by J.M. Hilton)

"Captain Amoreda, wait! I'm sorry about the heat-seeking missile, but don't give up on the Snickers Galaxy!" (Photo by J.M. Hilton)

"Zarek, this is Vartag. Captain Amoreda and I are leaving the Milky Way Galaxy in a universal minute. We'll be staying at a motel in the Snickers Galaxy, and will briefly await you there. If you have the commonsense of a Vulgarian halo fish, you will shed your current life form and join us." (Photo by J.M. Hilton)

"Unless the Snickers Galaxy has living, breathing catnip mice, it's adios, amigos." (Photo by Stephanie J.)

"Oh, yeah? Sez who?" (Photo by J.M. Hilton)

"Lily's got an IQ of 287? Something's very wrong here...very, very, very, very wrong." (Photo by J.M. Hilton)

"'Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive.'" (Photo by J.M. Hilton)

"Have I got a great idea, or what? On February 20 there's a lunar eclipse coming up. I'll tell the mammals of Lincoln Park to proclaim me emperor, or I'll turn the moon red, and then make it vanish!" (Photo by Stephanie C.)

"Oh, come on! I know our educational system's in turmoil, but surely nobody's dumb enough to believe a barker that lame?" (Photo by Beth Javens)

"Think we can capitalize on this moon-vanishing concept, bro?"/"The bumper stickers and T-shirts hit the stores tomorrow, old son." (Photo by J.M. Hilton)

"It would seem the business of Lincoln Park is business." (Photo by J.M. Hilton)

"How much do you suppose those hounds pay in taxes?" (Photo by J.M. Hilton)

"At last! I've outsmarted my enemies and the canines love me. What if Lincoln Park is an absolute monarchy? I can overthrow the government, can't I? Say! Maybe I can become emperor?" (Photo by Stephanie C.)

"Sob! What does a sweet bitch have to do to get her tummy rubbed? I wonder if Castro's brother would like a puppy to love?" (Photo by Craig S.)

"Rescue me from my political foes and I'll lick your tummy!" (Photo by J.M. Hilton)