LuLu's Desperate House Dogs (formerly the Bow Wow Blog)

LuLu's Desperate House Dogs is a blog about an eccentric little Beagle named LuLu, who, along with her sister Sadie (a Whippet/Terrier/Beagle blend), writes the lurid Puppies in Lust series, and absorbs local color in an idyllic, off-the-leash, canine-centered village known as Lincoln Park~

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Unlikely, Betty Sue, because there's more to this plot than you realize: "Looks like Lincoln Park's doing OK in the Olympics, sweet-snout."/"How can I possibly tell him about that Siberian canine I met in Ovaratechnarvick in 2005, when I was coaching the hound squirrel-chasing team? Three nights of wild passion, and he said I deserved a gold metal. Of course, I was only an innocent pup in those days." (Photo by J.M. Hilton)

"This may be a good time to tether the truth a tad, Little LuLu. After all, you never know whose pee-mail you might sniff in the park on the morrow." (Photo by J.M. Hilton)

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

"A Russian Bear? No, I'm a Wall Street Bear! Actually, right now I'm a baby bear, but I can grow. No, I don't have penguins for friends. Look, just get off my tundra, OK?" (Photo compliments of ClipArt)

"Right! Blame Goldilocks! She's the queen of the short sell!" (Photo by J.M. Hilton)

Monday, August 11, 2008

The Song of the Spider: "I spin my web and suck dry my prey...but Wall Street's more lethal any old day!" (Photo by J.M. Hilton)

"Nobody can beat the Street!" (Photo by J.M. Hilton)

"Our oil from outer space is costing us too many bowsers, Mr. Hound. Let's steal the Lincoln Park oil field from the Bassets and get rid of the endangered species."/"A neatly choreographed sex scandal ought to leave his life in tatters, old son." (Photo by J.M. Hilton)

"Babes! Cigarettes! Paint Thinner! Merlot served before its time!" (Cartoon by A.G. Oscard)

"Who in the world would be willing to mate with a creature so vile?" (Photo by J.M. Hilton)

"Don't worry -- they'll find a desperate enough soul in some fetid pound." (Photo by J.M. Hilton)

"Greetings! Monica Ferret here. Remember me? The luscious litigator, the sleek international spy, the incandescent Hollywood mogol -- the sorry mammal with a credit card debt of more than $200,000? OK, so who gets to knock me up?" (Cartoon by A.G. Oscard)

Meanwhile..."Now that I'm back on Earth and in a killer body, it's time to surprise my perfidious former wife Lily." (Photo by J.M. Hilton; composition by Lynda Hilton)

"With my luck, this is what I'll get from Dog Harmony Dot Com." (Photo by J.M. Hilton)

"When I said I wanted an agent with bite, Mr. Scales-R-Us is not exactly what I had in mind!" (Photo by J.M. Hilton)

"Run, Lily! Run!" (Photo by J.M. Hilton)