LuLu's Desperate House Dogs (formerly the Bow Wow Blog)
LuLu's Desperate House Dogs is a blog about an eccentric little Beagle named LuLu, who, along with her sister Sadie (a Whippet/Terrier/Beagle blend), writes the lurid Puppies in Lust series, and absorbs local color in an idyllic, off-the-leash, canine-centered village known as Lincoln Park~

"It's Friday night, and The Maltese Chew Toy mystery rolls on. Is this thing ever gonna end? Like, Dashiell Dogwood and LuLu never got carpal tunnel?" (Photo by J.M. Hilton)

Tonight! Brigid returns and the plot thickens like mashed potatoes left on high. (Photo by J.M. Hilton) Read our story from the beginning by going to 03/06/2007~~

"My color is pink, so I'm a pink witch, get it? No, you may NOT call me Pinky the Witch! Why, look at you -- a little pink FROG!" (Photo by J.M. Hilton)

"The king? ME? No, no. What made you think I might be king? Not me! No way, Jose. Have you tried our canine complaint department?" (Photo by J.M. Hilton)

"A costume? I ain't wearin' no freakin' costume!" (Photo by J.M. Hilton)

"I buried my costume." (Photo by J.M. Hilton)

"Happy Halloween, puppies and kittens. California is burning down, Atlanta has no water, and New Orleans is about to be inundated again. The Four Horsemen ride! Yip-yip Cayenne!" (Photo by J.M. Hilton)

"That rat tells some pretty spooky stories, huh, Aunt Lily?" -- "Just ignore him, Pugsley, and be glad you live in idyllic Lincoln Park." (Photo by J.M. Hilton)

"Zarex, this is Vartag. Why won't you contact me? If your communicator is broken, improvise! You have an IQ of 227, after all." (Photo by J.M. Hilton)

"Say hey! I finally understand algebra. I guess we really are what we eat." (Photo by S. Jayne)