LuLu's Desperate House Dogs (formerly the Bow Wow Blog)

LuLu's Desperate House Dogs is a blog about an eccentric little Beagle named LuLu, who, along with her sister Sadie (a Whippet/Terrier/Beagle blend), writes the lurid Puppies in Lust series, and absorbs local color in an idyllic, off-the-leash, canine-centered village known as Lincoln Park~

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Meanwhile, evil feline Perro de Presa Canario continues to evade capture. (Photo compliments of Leo Profitt) Posted by Picasa


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Eye On The Park:


7:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


9:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This becoming too much like real life.

11:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Except for you, Firbawl. We think you suck.

12:53 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Holy Wallabies.

8:10 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wonder if the new Kettering mayor knows about this!?

9:31 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Punkin, you're back home?

10:29 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

More like in port, Fiver.

11:04 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi, Punkin. Glad you're back!

12:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not about this Lincoln Park, he doesn't. After all, it's in Pennsylvania, isn't it?

3:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Long time no hear, sailor. Did a tsunami wash you ashore, or what?

3:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Eye On The Park:

"We will bark at them on the beaches, we will bark at them in the alleyways and byways. We probably won't surrender."

And thus did Spencer (or Nigel) the spaniel sum up the government's remarkably lame approach to the upcoming onslaught of a thousand feral cats, who are expected to arrive in Lincoln Park sometime over weekend.

"It wasn't exactly the St. Crispin's Day speech," observed a basset named Bigelow. "But then Spencer's only the summer king, and we don't even know if the guy wearing the crown IS Spencer."

"For that matter, what do we really know about these feral cats?" asked self-styled revolutionary Shamus O'Possum of anyone who would listen.

"Granted, we non-domesticates have suffered plenty at the paws of feral cats in the past," he went on...and on, "but what do we know about this particular horde? I would like to parley with them, to assess their needs. The dogs, as usual, are likely to just go after them -- but I honestly feel there must be a better way. My motto is 'Peace in the Park at any Price.' That may also be the title of my next book," he added.

Dixie Cavalier (better known as the Asp) barked her lukewarm approval of Mr. O'Possum's speech, while enjoying the company of two handsome pugs, both named Iago, who claimed to have no interest whatsoever in politics, literature, or the orating opossum.

"Well, our motto is: Ask not what you can do for the park, but what can you do for yourselves," put in local coyotes Rush and Randhi.

Words to live by, perhaps, in these troubled times?


In further park news:

LuLu the beagle was seen snuggling up to her hot hunk-a burnin' love of the past year -- none other than (former) King Rockie, who was thought to be off on a crusade.

"What were they talking about?" asked TEOTP of LuLu's two feline roommates, a great pair of stoolies, who can usually be had for the price of a catnip toy.

"Macro Mouse," was their enigmatic reply. "They're gonna bring in Macro Mouse."

TEOTP then attempted to reach Dacia the schnauzer, spokescanine for King Spencer, and/or her assistant Monica Ferret, Esquire.

Both, it seems, were out shopping.

(We're working on it...)

11:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Macro Mouse is coming! Macro Mouse will save the day! And we want the dogs to win. Otherwise, what will we have to "bitch" about?

12:46 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


I'm not exactly back. I'm ashore. There is a difference. Hi, Lulu.

9:18 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cats suck!

10:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Eye On The Park:

This is Lincoln Park...and Lincoln Park is about to become a war zone.

"Not to worry, old chap," Lord Mondo Simba assured TEOTP this afternoon. "A thousand feral cats? Why, I've met tougher opposition chasing water fowl. We need to bare our teeth, snarl a bit, and show 'em who's boss. That's all."

By contrast, not all regular Fidos in the park were quite so confident.

"I hear none of them are declawed," said Claude, a four-year-old bichon frise. "I did a stint in the foreign legion, and let me tell you -- those feral cats can be tough."

"Where's King Spencer while all this is going on?" demanded Maggie Cocker, another park regular. "I've heard he's been brainwashed, his crate mate's at Betty Ford, and his insane, evil twin is now in charge of the government. This is just so typical of how the political class works. Meanwhile, we need a reliable leader."

"I'll lead!" volunteered self-styled revolutionary and all-around annoying marsupial, Shamus O'Possum.

Mr. O'Possum was instantly set upon by an angry Maltese, a truculent goose, and his book publisher. He was taken by ambulance to the animal ER, but quickly dismissed when it was discovered he'd been dropped by his insurance carrier.

"Beware the Ides of March," was psychic Madame Spirea's advice, when we reached her by phone in California, where she's helping to care for niece, Lily, who's currently detoxing at the Betty Ford Annex for Smacked-out Spaniels.

"It's May," we reminded her, and she hung up.


In other park news:

Rockie and LuLu were seen padding through the park together again today, and one reporter heard LuLu say: "I'm not good at being noble, Rockie, but some things have to be done."

And he replied: "It is a far, far better thing we do than we have ever done before. Now, here's looking at you, beagle."

Does anybody have a clue what they're plagiarizing...or why? (We're trying to develop here!)

12:19 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


1:11 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't be so hard on Firball. I have three cats as well as dogs and most cats are sweet. Maybe not you but most.

11:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Blog hostess LuLu was attacked in the park late this morning by an angry goose who thought she might prove a threat to her goslings.

"I never meant to hurt the bitch," said the goose, whose name is Hyacinth. "But she came too close, and I've lost goslings to dogs before."

LuLu explained the incident thusly:

"I was simply trying to be friendly, when this huge goose suddenly leaped on my back and attempted to tear me to pieces. I was terrified.

"She flapped those massive dark wings and hissed, and I was convinced I was a goner. I felt myself sinking and thought about my beloved soul mate, Rockie, and how I would never see him again.

"In the nick of time, my guardian pulled me away from the goose, and it turns out I wasn't too badly injured, after all."

LuLu is recovering at home this afternoon from very mild shock and a slight nip on the nose. Her injuries are not thought to be life
threatening, and no charges will be brought against Hyacinth the goose.

12:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Only you, LuLu.

1:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's not that funny! Geese can be mean. I've been nipped before by a goose but never goosed by one.

10:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Eye On The Park:

This is London and I'm Edward R. Murrow, broadcasting from a rooftop.

Actually I'm not Edward R. Murrow; I'm not even on a rooftop -- but that just sounds so cool, I couldn't help myself.

This is TEOTP and I'm on a laptop in an underground bunker somewhere in Lincoln Park. Outside, hundreds of canines (along with a small army of non-domesticates) await the arrival of 1,000 feral cats, who were spotted earlier today crossing a highway in northern Virginia.

"They are a mean-looking bunch of pussies," reported a spotter Dalmatian who lives in the area. "I understand they've scared off every mouse from Florida to Pennsylvania."

"They're not scaring off us rabbits!" proclaimed Bippity the bunny, fearless leader of the Lincoln Park Cottontail Brigade. "We're fighting for our families, our extended families, and all the yummy flowers and ornamental grasses in this neighborhood."

"A brave lagomorph," stated General Mondo Simba, head of Lincoln Park's so-called army, of Bippity. "One might even say a 'rare bit.'"

The general and members of his staff then enjoyed a good laugh while they lapped some spilled apple cider off the floor at the officers' club.


In other park news:

"King" Spencer remained in seclusion today, stressing continued threats against his life and chew toys and the reason.

"King" Rockie went back to his crusade. (Oh, sure! Like, how much do you want to bet?)

LuLu the beagle also left the park. (Uh-huh. Oh, sure! She on a crusade, too?)

And rumors are rife that Prince Paco has returned to town. (Now that IS news!)


12:57 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmph. Where was this tough Gen'l Mango when lulu was so shockingly goosed? I don't know but from the looks of gen'l mango's face, he looks like maybe he could defend against 4 or 5 one-legged bunny rabbits. Not so sure about any cats.
(No offense gen'l.)

3:56 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The horde is only after the fish and the water fowl and maybe a sampling of rabbit and chipmunk if we're lucky. We aren't 'out to get' dogs, coyotes or possum. What lamebrain dog started that rumor anyway...or maybe it was the new Mayor.

Last year, the horde was unceremoniously thrown out of The Commons by some McGruff looking character and his posse after we tried to raid Truffles Food Stand during a Cat Stevens concert. So a few locals got hurt....cats gotta eat! We're headed for The Pond this season. The word's out that the eatin's good in Lincoln Park.

Horde Chief...code name Ringo Feral

9:37 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mango is my boy. He is the cutest officer in the army and can lick anybody.

10:12 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


11:03 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The town of Lincoln Park has a new mayor? I thought they had a king!

11:18 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, we're certainly not about to put up with a thousand feral cats! The dogs are bad enough! But better the devil you know. Count us in as part of your army. In fact, make us your army air corps!

1:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

what is a camp folower?

11:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Eye On The Park:

It's a story that reads like fiction -- hmmmm. And yet we swear it's almost as real as our current economy.

Using part of the ton of money she's made from penning the lurid "Puppies in Love" series of novels for lonely canines who were weaned too early, LuLu the beagle recently hired a team of macho Australian dingo mercenaries, and sent them to the Cayman Islands to rescue Spencer the spaniel from a life of hell as a stingray herder.

Meanwhile, LuLu's lover, namely Rockie the Lab, covertly infiltrated the crime syndicate run by bad boy feline, Perro de Presa Canario, and then presented Interpup with a lot of laundered Zanies. Perro de Presa Canario was taken into custody by that intrepid bunch of hot dogs earlier today, but he managed to escape up a tree, and remains at large tonight.

TEOTP is happy to report that "King Spencer" is resting comfortably in a veterinary hospital in Miami, Florida...and his evil twin Nigel, a mere tool of the shady financier mentioned above, has fled the country.

There remains, of course, the little matter of 1,000 feral cats, who are set to march on Lincoln Park just about any old day now, although canine spotters on the East Coast have oddly enough lost sight of them.

According to one such spotter: "The cats were last seen crossing a farm in northern Virginia known as 'Fox Hound Run.'" Evidently the feline army has not been seen or heard from since.


In other park news:

General Mondo Simba was seen padding across the park with Dixie Cavalier (better known as the Asp) by his side this afternoon.

"She's interested in raising an army," the general jokingly informed our TEOTP reporter.

When asked about her off-again/on-again love, Shamus O'Possum, who remains in serious condition at a local veterinary hospital for needy non-domesticates and fleeced sheep, the shameless little spaniel simply responded: "Who?"


1:01 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Eye On The Park:

In late developing news, TEOTP has received word that Prince Paco has temporarily taken over the duties of kingship until Spencer the spaniel is on his four paws again.

(And forget developing; I'm going to bed.)

1:36 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yay! We knew Rocky and Lulu would come through.

10:11 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why can't the Lab just stay king?

12:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ur blog is cool to read an I shabb the pics and cartooz an lulu is hot. U got shirtz an stickers?

4:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Paco and I promise to keep order here in Lincoln Park until you return in September. Everybody in the Waggin' Train misses you. Life just isn't the same without you, you big hunka Labrador love!

I sleep with your picture beside me every night, and still have the rubber ball you gave me last Xmas. Well, I still have part of the rubber ball. I am a beagle, after all.

Much, much love, LuLu~~~~~XXXXXX~~~~~

10:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi, Hooey,

The Lab can't stay king because he's out of townl, but he'll get crowned again when he gets back, especially if he cheats on lulu.

11:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Eye On The Park:

According to Prince Regent Paco de Shepherd, order has finally been restored to Lincoln Park. He announced today that a six-goose/two-hawk air force is constantly patrolling the skies above our fair village, keeping an eye out for that much touted army of feral cats, and in the case of the hawks -- a few errant mice.

"We have secured our borders, tightened general security, and made peeing on the sidewalk a felony," flatly stated the PR on a special Larry King Charles Spaniel Live broadcast earlier this evening.

"Spoken like a true police dog," remarked Mr. KC Spaniel, twitching nervously around his microphone.

"Well, yes, Larry, as you may have noticed, I am a police dog," the prince somewhat gruffly pointed out.

(According to aides, Mr. King Charles Spaniel had accidentally peed on the sidewalk in front of the studio directly before the broadcast, and Prince Paco is known to have a dry sense of humor.)

In other park news, Prince Paco's new assistant, LuLu the beagle, has brought separate lawsuits against two pugs named Iago, and hired legal whiz Dacia the schnauzer to go for their throats.

Both Iagos were seen dewclawing rides on the outskirts of town early this morning. Subpoenas have been issued, and the air force is said to be hard on their curlicue tails.

In yet other park news, self-styled revolutionary and all-around annoying marsupial, Shamus O'Possum, made it to a scheduled book-signing engagement in the park today with both legs and his tail in casts. He sold one book -- to lagomorph leader Bippity the bunny, and had "no comment" when asked about his truly bizarre relationship with Dixie Cavalier, also known as the Asp.

(Not bothering to develop.)

12:23 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Macro Mouse also remains at large.

1:14 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


The blog is back up but it's very slow. Maintenance?

3:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think Macro Mouse attacked the blog earlier.

9:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Eye On The Park:

TEOTP learned today that Spencer the spaniel has been moved from the Barkin' Burrito Animal Clinic in Miami, Florida, to an isolated psychiatric facility not far from Prairie Dog, New Mexico.

"We're not really close to much of anything," said Dr. Perdiguero Navarro in a brief phone interview this morning. "I can't even tell you how many miles it is to Tucumcari."

According to Dr. Navarro, Spencer suffered a complete mental breakdown after being brainwashed by the evil Perro de Presa Canario and set to work hearding stingrays in the waters off the Cayman Islands.

"Spencer has no idea where he is or who he is right now," Dr. Navarro continued. "Sometimes he thinks he's a mermaid named Sheila, and he has a lot of sexual fantasies involving a giant squid, a cross-dressing dolphin and two loan sharks."

When asked if Spencer's pathetic mental state might negatively influence his political career, Dr. Navarro replied: "I can't imagine why. After a few sessions and some potent medication, he'll be as stable as any other politician currently at work in the public arena."


In further park news:

Lola the stylish Shih Tzu has contacted legal Grand Slammer Dacia the schnauzer about bringing a breach-of-promise suit against former love General (Lord) Mondo Simba, who has most recently been seen panting after Dixie Cavalier, also known as the Asp.

In a turnabout's-fair-play maneuver, Shamus O'Possum, marsupial menace, and former Cavalier cat's-paw, plans to bring a lawsuit against the Asp, charging her with breach of promise and attempted murder.

"She hired two dogs named Iago to shake me out of my tree," Mr. O'Possum told a TEOTP reporter, who proved to be one of the few living creatures willing to attend his most recent book signing. "Miss Cavalier is an extremely dangerous bitch."

Dixie Cavalier growled and snapped when approached by this same reporter later this afternoon.

(Developing with extreme caution.....)

10:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

jeepers, all these on-going developments, its hard for an ole dog like me to keep up with it. But, I AM wondering --- why is the cat in the picture, Perro, lickin' his chops?

1:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You need an elk. Call him Elmo with my compliments.

8:14 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A spaniel mermaid? Is that supposed to be for me, Lulu?

9:45 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

1:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Eye On The Park:

Lincoln Park would appear to be returning to normal after several tension-filled days and nights, thanks to the efforts of Prince Paco de Shepherd and his able assistant, LuLu the beagle.

Still, some park residents remain apprehensive and concerned about the future.

"I keep thinking about that thousand-cat army," said Belle, a pretty cocker puppy. "I mean, a thousand pussies! That's a whole lot of hissing going on."

"And what about our back pay for serving in the army?" asked Bippity the bunny. "While my family and I were doing our patriotic duty, a couple of ferrets got into our lettuce patch and ate practically everything. What are we suppose to eat now?"

"Oh, how about cake?" snorted Monica Ferret, Esquire, assistant to Dacia the schnauzer, Lincoln Park's legal whiz and fashion maven. "Sorry...but I absolutely LOVE that line."


In other park news:

Luscious former showgirl, Lola the shih tzu, and Dixie Cavalier, also known as the Asp, got into a snap-and-snarl early this afternoon, when the former saw the latter padding through the park with General (Lord) Mondo Simba, the former's former fiance.

"Simba, you runt! I'm gonna sue your butt for screwing around with that spaniel 'ho," eruditely snarled Lola.

"Stuff it, bitch," returned the Asp. "And don't you dare call me a 'ho, 'ho."

"I don't suppose you ladies would be interested in a threesome?" General Simba then suggested.

He was treated for dog bites at the local animal ER, and released late this afternoon.

A rabies shot was not required.

10:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Could Perro be thinking about the chipmunks in Bippity's lettuce patch?

10:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now that you mention it, what did happen to Wendy?

10:18 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Didn't Wendy get killed when the illegal dogs over ran Lincoln park?

1:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey, lulu, whatever has happened to Wendy? Did she meet an ugly demise or is she in the psych ward with Spencer? Welp, I heard a rumor, a good rumor, about our beloved king Rockie. He is going to be living out his summer secret mission not on a farm, but with his ever-doting, loving caretaker. And all is well. hooray for both, I say. Now where could Wendy be. I love chipmunks!

1:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In a late evening session with Bullet the Wonder Dog, my spiritual mentor, I happened to ask about Wendy the Chipmunk, dear readers. According to Bullet, whose keen police dog instincts have not been diminished with the passing of time, Wendy is still very much amongst the living. In fact, she is holed up somewhere, getting soused on vinegar-drenched walnut kernels.

So, never fear, Molly and Nestle --Wendy will be back. I feel it in my bones....Oh! Wait! That's more likely to be Bullet's cold nose.

Later, loves -- the spectral world calls~

2:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

it would seem chipmunks rule.

5:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


It's wonderful that you and your mom will be together throughout the summer, and you know I won't forget about you.

Don't YOU forget about ME. You'll be in a resort area with sexy Salukis and whistle-bait Weimeraners. I promise not to wring my paws -- but remember who holds your heart (and chewed-up Xmas ball)~

It's cold and rainy here in Lincoln Park, but I was over by "our" sandbox tonight. LoLa and Gracie got into a spat over a chew toy -- but I sat there in the rain, thinking only of you.

Much Love -- your LuLu~

9:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Eye On The Park:

Lt. Colonel Hyacinth the goose, of the Lincoln Park Army Air Corps, earlier today informed Prince Regent Paco de Shepherd that a small military force, thought to be the advance guard of a much reduced 1,000-cat army, had been spotted closing in on the town of Springfield, which is located approximately 50 miles north of Lincoln Park Village.

"I've beefed up our border patrols and have ordered the air force to start dropping eggs the minute the cats make it across Fox creek,"the prince informed a news-hungry public on his nightly radio show, Chew the Fat with Paco. "There is no need for panic -- or even for mild concern. I'm a police dog and have the matter well in paw."

"Looking at those v-shaped squadrons of geese up in the sky makes me feel kind of proud," commented puppy Logan Bichon wistfully, right before he ducked for cover beneath a Honda Accord. "Except when the geese have been eating popcorn," he was quick to add.


In other park news:

Luscious former showgirl, Lola the shih tzu, got into a snap-and-snarl with sassy socialite and Paris Hilton look-alike, Miss Gracie, late this afternoon. Supposedly the fight was over a chew toy, but according to a bitch who's on TEOTP's payroll, Gracie was upset with Lola for bringing a breach-of-promise suit against General (Lord) Mondo Simba, who is currently seeing Dixie Cavalier, also known as the Asp.

Word is that Gracie had a brief fling with the curly eared cocker military man a few months back, and the two were recently seen together, rubbing noses over by the lake.

Miss Gracie also "briefly" dated sexy leash-puller Tanner, King Rockie, and even Prince Paco.

"Lola really needs to get another boyfriend," observed Gracie after the altercation, which took place next to the park sandbox, a fave meeting place for the young and restless post-puppy set.

Despite a score of phone calls and SIX e-mails, TEOTP was unable to reach Dixie Cavalier for comment.

(Really! We're not even going to bother developing this one....)

11:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Paco is the new ruler of Lincoln Park? Smooth move. I know how bright he is, so consider making the position permanent.

12:05 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How does this work? Paco is the big German Shepherd? Rockie is king and so is Spencer? Can I be a lobbyist?

9:36 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Morey should be lobbyist. His owner's a werewolf. You maybe should run for dog catcher, Fiver.

1:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Eye On The Park:

The lone survivor of what was once thought to be a ferocious army of 1,000 feral cats arrived in Lincoln Park today -- broke, starving, but willing to sell her story for a bowl of Eukanuba.

Tabitha the kitty, a two-year-old tortoise-shell cat from Jacksonville, Florida, said she was recruited from a Jacksonville alley by a "big whisker" from the Cayman Islands, and given "enough catnip to knock out a panther."

The next thing she knew, she was slinking north with a group of other very confused cats, who were told they were being sent to the almost legendary village of Lincoln Park, but were not told why or what they were to do when the got here.

According to Tabitha, the army was never very large.

"Four hundred, five hundred?" TEOTP asked her.

"More like twenty-five or thirty," she informed us. "You news hounds really tend to exaggerate."

Moving on with the dexterity of a cat set to pounce on a mouse, we grilled Tabitha on how it felt to have finally reached her destination.

"Your weather thoroughly sucks," she told us, "but everyone's been purrfectly lovely to me. I met a nice cat named Archie in the army, and I'm hoping he makes it through. I'm pregnant again and this is the first time I've know for certain who the father is."

Tabitha said she wouldn't mind settling down with Archie in Lincoln Park and raising two or three hundred kittens.

Meanwhile, Prince Regent Paco de Shepherd has announced a cutback in the number of geese currently employed by the Lincoln Park Army Air Corps, known with questionable affection around town as the "Poop Squad."

He has also dewclawed down a proposal from several local residents who want a wall built around Lincoln Park.

"In a village of dogs, a wall is going to be more of a nuisance than a deterrent," he said. "Every pup in town will try to dig under it."

(Smart canine, that police dog. No need for a development here.....)

In other park news:

LuLu the beagle caused a bit of a stir in the sandbox the other day, when she rolled over to reveal a tattoo on an VERY intimate part of her anatomy.

"It says something about Rockie," reported an eyewitness, "something absolutely licentious."

"It's my ID tattoo," insisted the beautiful beagle. "If I have a Rockie tattoo, I'm not showing it to anyone. Well, OK, maybe to a few of my very closest friends..."

(TEOTP would love to develop this one.)

Finally, in park news:

Bippity the bunny staged a nibble-in over by the lake this afternoon, to protest the "cavalier attitude taken by the government when it comes to paying some of us non-domesticates for our military service."

"Stick a carrot in it," shouted government spokescanine, Dacia the schnauzer, out the window of her limousine.

"I'm a non-domesticate and nobody's cavaliering me," said her assistant, Monica Ferret, Esquire.
"Hell, I shop at the Gilded Paw."

(Definitely Developing...)

12:30 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


You like to fantasize a lot, don't you?

12:41 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Awwww. Fiver sounds like a normal puppy to me. 'Course there is that there fixation with the Asp, who ain't real. Yeah...

11:10 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Asp ain't real?

7:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not real? My picture has been shown on the blog! Of course I'm real! And if LuLu weren't so jealous of me, maybe she would put my picture back up there -- just to show how real I really am.

12:30 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy mothers day to each and every dog mommy.

7:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't think Lily had a happy mother's day,

2:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lily is a mother? Don't you mean Lulu? There not the same dog, are they?

7:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I lived in ther villiage apparetments.

10:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry, Jillie, I'm not Lily...and, Ken, please learn to use "Spell Check" -- unless, of course, you're attempting to outdo Dan Brown's cryptology expert in The Da Vinci Code. You used to be a lot more coherent, so we have to assume it's an arfing affectation~

12:52 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lily isn't Lily and Spencer isn't Spencer?

10:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Spencer and Lily are both in rehab, where Ken should be.

12:45 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Inspector Cluzo, Inspector Cluzo, Inspector Cluzo?

Where have we heard that name before?

12:49 PM  

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