LuLu's Desperate House Dogs (formerly the Bow Wow Blog)

LuLu's Desperate House Dogs is a blog about an eccentric little Beagle named LuLu, who, along with her sister Sadie (a Whippet/Terrier/Beagle blend), writes the lurid Puppies in Lust series, and absorbs local color in an idyllic, off-the-leash, canine-centered village known as Lincoln Park~

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Author Shamus O'Possum also leaves the country, on a bumpy flight to retrieve his manuscript. (Cartoon by A.G. Oscard) Story under "comments"~ Posted by Picasa


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Will he be appearing at Books & Co.

7:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Will he be at B&N?

10:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Insted of Ken.

11:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Eye On The Park:

This just in!!

TEOTP learned mere minutes ago that Prince Regent Paco de Shepherd and blog hostess LuLu the beagle almost got into a snap-and-snarl this afternoon, when he asked her to drop her slander suit against Dixie Cavalier (AKA the Asp), and she refused.

According to an unnamed source, who now says she wants to be named after all... All right, according to file clerk Misty Foxter, who is single, loves white wine, and digs Jack Russells, the prince said "something" about wanting his "best general" back.

"But LuLu told him she couldn't put up with the Asp," Ms. Foxter further informed us, right before she asked for her money.

As most of our readers already know, Dixie Cavalier, who is wanted in our fair village on charges of slander and attempted murder, recently fled to Springfield because of its new non-extradition policy.

Lord (General) Mondo Simba resigned his commission in the Lincoln Park Army to follow her, which doesn't say much for his IQ, although it does make this reporter a believer in love again.


In other park news:

Tabitha the cat, a former soldier in the mostly fictional 1,000-cat army of mad financier Pero de Pressa Canario, today left the ranks of unwed mothers, when her soul mate Archie made an honest feline of her in brief ceremony at Yowling Rock, over by the lake.

"I'm set to drop a litter any day now," Tabitha admitted, "which means I'm so glad Archie wasn't just catting around when he told me he loved me."

The pretty tortoise-shell bride smiled adoringly at her groom, a real bruiser of a tabby, with a swagger to his walk and a meow to be reckoned with.

"No pictures!" he hissed at our photographers. "No pictures! No cameras!"

One fractious feline, we'd say, and there's something oddly familiar about him.

"Archie simply has post-wedding nerves," purred Tabitha, who broke up the party by going into labor.

"No pictures!" hissed the groom.

Jeesh! Talk about a candidate for a horse tranquilizer....

(Developing, with plenty of backup...)

12:16 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Blog readers:

Thank you for your interest in my upcoming book, FROM THE DOG PILE.

The book has yet to be published, but once it is, I'm sure I will be doing all sorts of book signings and public relations tours.

JSYK: The gang at Diz Temper Productions is already talking about a M-O-V-I-E.

I'll keep you updated.


12:35 AM  
Blogger LuLu said...

Ken, you now want to be known as "Kenny"? I could bite myself, but I am curious why....

12:37 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's got to be a girlfriend or a boyfriend. Whatever happened to Carlotta and Felony?

10:37 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kenny may be think he's Kenny Rogers.

11:04 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If it isn't Shamus the possum, it's Ken. It keeps us entertained.

12:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Felony is fine and Carlot.

11:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Eye On The Park:

TEOTP learned this morning that Spencer the spaniel, the anointed summer king of Lincoln Park, has been pronounced "cured" (sort of) by his team of psychiatrists, and plans to return to our fair village for his coronation sometime in the very near future.

Meanwhile, his lovely crate mate, Lily the spaniel, who recently had some hush-hush cosmetic surgery done on her gorgeous muzzle at a local "tug-'em-and-plug-'em" clinic, has announced her intention to return to modeling.

"My relationship with Spencer is no longer viable," she told TEOTP, while her eccentric aunt, psychic and ventriloquist Madame Spirea, stood by her side, barely moving her lips.

"I am willing to be the absentee summer queen, but that's the Frisbee toss, folks," said Lily. "Spencer and I no longer have anything in common except for my frilly nighties, which is not enough to rebuild a relationship."

Lily's modeling career, which hit its peak back in the late 1990s, briefly made her an international dog-food can icon. She was, of course, a puppy then, meaning that her canines are a lot longer these days.

Granted, the stunning spaniel with the curly ears is still a notable beauty, but whether or not she can resurrect her once smokin' modeling career remains to be seen.


11:15 PM  
Blogger LuLu said...

Glad to hear it, Kenny. Paws up~

12:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Say, Kenny, are you male or female?

11:30 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

2:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Eye On The Park:

TEOTP congratulates Tabitha the cat and her new husband Archie on the birth of eight healthy kittens: Buffy, Cuffy, Duffy, Enuffy, Fluffy, Huffy, Muffy, and Teflon.

"We've got five girls and three boys," announced Tabitha proudly, "and a sweet little abode that Archie calls 'Fort Feline' right next to the local animal ER."

She sighed. "I'm so glad we came to Lincoln Park. Life is good here."

"No pictures!" insisted Tabitha's extremely weird husband Archie.

"Oh, just one or two of the kittens," implored a TEOTP photographer.

"No pictures!" hissed Archie, unsheathing his claws.

OK, OK...we get the picture. (Or rather, we didn't.)

Jeesh! What IS it about that cat?

"Archie's just a very private tabby," explained Tabitha, who also told us she's "thrilled" to have a father for her kittens.

"Archie is a good provider," she said. "In fact, he's everything I've ever dreamed of."

Yeah, well, OK, uh-huh. Sure. Whatever she says. She is postpartum after all....

10:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Eye On The Park:

This just in!!

TEOTP learned late this afternoon that Chico the Chihuahua plans to do a flit on his partners at Diz Temper Productions, and head for Bogota, Colombia, to become the next Juan Valdez.

"Eet weel reeellly eempress Salma Hayek," he confided to one of our reporters at Doggy Doritos Canine Cantina, where both were wolfing down hefty portions.

According to the mainstream press, the human actor who has portrayed Colombia coffee promoter "Juan Valdez" for the past thirty-seven years, is retiring, meaning that a new Senor Valdez will be needed.

"Aye leeeve for Colombia tomorrow on Skye Terrier Airlines," Chico went on.

He also told our reporter he was looking forward to meeting Conchita, Senor Valdez's mule.

"She has thee sen-shoe-us eyes," said Chico, "a leetle like Salma Hayek's."

(Definitely Developing....)

11:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Little dogs run away from home to push coffee in Colombia? I am enjoying the tale, Lulu. Keep me enthralled.

9:39 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Punkin! Where are you? Where have you been?

11:49 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think Punkin is with Delta Force.

9:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think PUnkin owns a row boat.

10:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


11:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How come yu don't cut Kenny off?

9:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where would they cut?

2:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ken, when r u going to give it up? U do the same dumb thing on other blogs.

10:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Really? We mean, do tell. To make this poetic, maybe Kenny can spell?

12:36 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ken should be kicked out. He probably a blogiehogie.

12:45 PM  
Blogger LuLu said...

What is a blogiehogie? It sounds like something I might want to try to eat. And why do you have two names, Jo?

As for Ken....he hasn't really done anything, Jillie, except be stupid, or at least act stupid.

And he does a superlative job of it!

1:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've got more then one handle and screen names, and so does Ken. A blogiehogie hogs a blog with a lot of extra names.

8:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think Lily's a blogiehogiedoggie

9:37 PM  

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