LuLu's Desperate House Dogs (formerly the Bow Wow Blog)

LuLu's Desperate House Dogs is a blog about an eccentric little Beagle named LuLu, who, along with her sister Sadie (a Whippet/Terrier/Beagle blend), writes the lurid Puppies in Lust series, and absorbs local color in an idyllic, off-the-leash, canine-centered village known as Lincoln Park~

Thursday, June 16, 2005

After a night of terror, LuLu greets her friend Winston. Posted by Hello


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Many thanks to John and Lynda Hilton for their continued assistance with the Bow Wow Blog - and for their truly great dog pictures~

I also want to thank their grandson Robert....just for being Robert!

10:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

See the conclusion to My Night of Terror directly under the picture of me in need of a rest~

2:05 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Velvet Ears,

Although I know I am still suffering from tunnel vision, I would swear on a box of dog biscuits that I saw Richelieu the cat chatting up none other than Wendy the chipmunk down by the woodpile early this morning when the dew was still new on the grass. And I'm certain I smelled them! Wendy has shaved her head and is now sporting a nose ring -- but her cheap perfume made my nasal hairs stand up and take notice, and I would know Richelieu anywhere.

I don't know what the cat's game is, my dear, but I've told Dr. Papillon about the situation, and he's going to ask his friend Velma
the bat to start tracking Richelieu's movements -- at least at night, when cats like to prowl.

As to other business, I'm aware that you "like" Dr. Papillon, but I'm vain enough not to consider him a serious rival for your affections. Spencer, of course, is a different matter. Be that as it may, I refuse to give credence to the suggestion that he is a ruthless murderer. Edgy, yes -- but a rampaging killer? Not if I have any knowledge of dogs.

Please be careful, Velvet Ears, particularly of anything strange being dropped in your food bowl. I like a woman with a hearty appetite, but you must admit that you occasionally get carried away.

Ever barking up your tree, Winston

PS: Wendy was wearing a pair of red boots when I saw her with Richelieu!

11:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


1:33 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Velma the neighborhood vampire bat here, darlings. OK, kiddies, here's the skinny: Richelieu the cat has been a very busy boy. Last night alone he prowled the neighborhood for two hours, making several suspicious stops along the way. He slipped out a window around 3 a.m., crossed the park, pausing to chat with Sally the screech owl, ex-wife of the notorious Clarence. He then headed for the lake, and made a second stop at the hole in the tree where Eli and Whitney, the squirrel brothers, live. The boys have been selling imported black-market walnuts for a couple of years now, and the word in the woods is that Richelieu may be a silent partner. Evidently the boys were out, so Richelieu moved on. Actually, he backtracked. He crossed the park again and went into the woods. There he encountered Wendy the chipmunk, not once but twice, and he had a brief chat with Fillmore the ferret, formerly of the firm of Weasel, Weasel, Ferret&Jackal. He then climbed a tree and sat there, purring softly, for roughly twenty-five minutes.

During this time, I was joined on my perch by Sally the screech owl, who asked me what I was up to. "Bloody hell!" I informed her, and she flew away in disgust. A careful cat, that Richelieu.

As I was winging my way back to my gable, I happened to catch sight of that small black-and-white cat, Mabel, making her way out of the woods. She appeared to be dazed and confused. "Hello, Velma," she called out. "Didn't you use to be Joan Crawford in another lifetime?"

I flapped my wings at her. "You're a caution, honey," I told her, and flew back home.

OK, Dr. P., there you have it. The best I can do on short notice. By the way, thanks for the slice of Steak Tartare. As you well know, flowers and jewelry don't exactly cut it as thank-you gifts for a vampire.

Nibbles, Velma

cc: Winston the bulldog
LuLu the beagle

1:04 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear LuLu, You are wrong if you think I am jealous of your affair with Winston. So do you think I was once your lover, that in a past life you toyed with my affections and called me your "Eyes"? Could there be some connection between that and the life I have now, the lapdog of a queenly woman, adoring her while she spends her time with other, more "important" pursuits? Is it any wonder that I have fits of anger that no one understands, that are totally out of character for one of my gentle breed? And isn't it ironic that my name is one that Winston shoud remember as a family name for him in a not-so-long ago lifetime? I have given you many questions to ponder, but no answers. I say much, but reveal nothing. And you think Lily is enigmatic! She is as shallow and as lovely as a dewdrop clinging to a rose petal. While you are very foxy, I admit, it avails you naught, the fire of my desire is out cold and only the ashes of frustration and anger remain.

11:20 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi LuLu, Thank you for clearing up the details of the story so far. I can't believe that there have been 3 murders, one attempt on your life and a kidnapping, all in such a short time. I am a nervous wreck and have been kinitting mats in my fur, which, as you can imagine, goes over here like a fly in a bowl of grits. Well , it's one way to get a trip to the groomer, who is simply wild about me. She even displays a picture of me in her shop ( but then, who wouldn't ?) I don't know what to say or do about Manny the Mole. It is a love that can never, ever be, but I don't want to discourage him from adoring me from afar. When I see him now in the park I will nod, slightly, but not smile. That way he will know I appreciate his feelings, but can never return them. And, he will be a useful spy. See, LuLu, I am always thinking. (When I am not napping, eating or, you know, whatever.)

11:33 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

LuLu responds to her friend Lily:

Lily dear,

Somehow I doubt you'll see much of Manny the mole in the park. He spends most of his time underground, tunneling his way through life. My guess is that he reveres you. You are his Nicole Kidman, Halle Berry, or Maureen O'Hara -- beautiful, unattainable, and yet something for which to strive, if only in his dreams.

Meanwhile, Wendy Little's picture is now on a wanted poster, and my blood runs cold when I think of her having a tete-a-tete with Richelieu the other night. Velma the bat tailed him, you see, and I let my guardian know. She's made certain the windows are all closed and locked. Ditto the doors. So there's no way he can get out of the house tonight - and he is as mad as a bull in red pajamas.

Did Spencer say anything to you about my little moment alone with Cypher the Amstat in the park this afternoon? Those terriers are muscular boys, even as puppies. We're merely friends, of course. And I was ever so surprised to see Winston! But then, you know how males are~ I seem to run into my boyfriends constantly, Lily. I guess I'm just one of those bitches the males cannot let alone.

And I think I may have crossed paths with your friend Murphy the shepherd. Tall dog...well...uh, well formed? Seems nice, but don't worry. I've got enough notches on my leash already, and I'm not even ten months old.

Sigh. It's a lovely night out, and everything seems so quiet and peaceful. A soft summer's night. Mabel just staggered past me with a soporific glaze in her eyes. She must have broken into a box of fresh catnip. I think she's pleased that Richelieu is off somewhere pouting and not bothering her for once.

12:20 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I blush! I refer to my dear friend Cypher as an "Amstat." He is, in actuality, an Amstaff. Cypher is an American Staffordshire terrier.
In truth, however you cut it -- the guy's a hunk~

12:42 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

way to go pittbull. he should be the one who gets the women.

10:20 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

LuLu replies to Spencer:

Frustration and anger? You speak to me of frustration and anger?
Try being a virgin for almost 500 years -- THEN speak to me of frustration and anger!

10:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

LuLu says:

The Dog Days of summer refer to those days when the dog star, Sirius, rises with the sun.

1:37 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Have you ever heard of a New Guinee singing dog or of a Moonflower dog? Are they one of the same????

9:45 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

LuLu responds to J. Keith:

The New Guinea Singing Dog and the Moonflower, or Peruvian Hairless Dog, are two distinct rare breeds.

The NGSD hit town (Sydney, Australia, to be exact) in 1957, when two wound up in a zoo. Since that time, the NGSDs have walked a thin line, better known as the "tame but not domesticated" category. Slowly but surely the NGSD is being accepted as a pet.

The dogs are handsome and foxlike in appearance. They weigh around 25 LBS and stand about 17 inches, which means they're not much larger than I am. NGSDs have a howl similar to that of a wolf combined with the wail of a hoarse mermaid. They are very vocal dogs who also whine, yelp, bark, and scream - which makes them sound pretty much like most other dogs. At least most of my friends.

The beautiful Peruvian Hairless Dog, known as the Moonflower, or the Peruvian Inca Orchid, is elegance in motion. These dogs can trace their ancestry back to the days of Inca nobility. They stand about 26 inches and weigh between 26 and 50 LBS. They look a bit like Pharaoh Hounds, and since they are hairless, their guardians need to take care to protect their skin. Very loving dogs, who are also known to be great clowns, these dogs prefer night to day -- hence their name: the Moonflower.

12:29 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

LuLu pours out her heart to her friend Lily:

Lily dear,

Oh! I know I ought to be excited and dizzy and giddy -- and everything. But I'm not! I'm depressed and miserable and I don't know what to do. Winston has disappeared again. Louis tells me that he simply dropped out of sight, and I am utterly distraught. I talked to Cypher, my friend the Amstaff, and he told me that he believes Winston took my leash locking with Louis Papillon "very hard." His exact words were: "When a dog finds his thrill on Blueberry Hill, it's a slam in the gut to find out she's Run-around Sue." Then he ran off to chase a ball, leaving me more confused and perplexed than ever.

Have you heard anything from Winston? Has Spencer? It's not that I'm in love with the silly old bulldog or anything, but he and I are the dearest of friends. Louis said Winston showed up at his doghouse yesterday, looking red of eye and kibbled out. He congratluated him on our leash locking, announced something to the effect that every dog must have his day, wagged his adorable, stubby tail and left. And nobody has seen him since! Even his guardian is giving him up for lost. Oh, Lily. I can't bear the thought of Winston being nabbed by the dogcatcher and hauled off to the pound. Not noble, wonderful Winston! If you hear ANYTHING -- even a bark in the dark -- please let me know immediately. This is so unlike Winston. And just when I need him the most!

Your terribly distressed friend, LuLu

11:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

keith, i know someone who has a new guinea singing dog. it's a great dog but their hell to housebreak.never heard of the other dog but looked it up. they look like hairlesss geayhounds.

12:37 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


was up evr in moleville?

9:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Neighborhood Poop (classified section)

Wanted: Best dog. Lincoln Park area. Upcoming chew-toy exchange ceremony. Reasonable compensation.

Contact Ad #435.

12:18 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

how do i get pictures of my dog on the blog?

5:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

LuLu replies to Russ:

Well, you might try sending one to us. If it gets through, we'll try to incorporate it in one of our upcoming mystery stories.


12:15 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

These are cable tv dogs!

12:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


11:01 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No, it's KEN! It's KEN!

11:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

what happened?

1:19 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

LuLu replies to Peggy and Pop:

It's July...time for a change~

10:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I want those amish puppies! i thought it was a shoe.

9:07 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

CA, I like ur blog, but I had to look to find a place to post. Awesome dog pictures. We'll look forward to ur story about the Poconos.

1:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cousin Gorge,

Thanks! And we're working on the comments problem. Anyway, come on! You're smart and clever. How tough was it really?

10:49 PM  

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